
Poetry Analysis #1: My City  By Andy Coyle

This poem shows good emotions. It shows how much love the author has for his city. He is saying that his city has given her everything. For example, his life and family. He says that the city is his work, his life, his everything. So this obviously means that the city means a lot to him. And you are able to identify this very clearly through his poem.
Building in Manchester, England

Poem Analysis #2: You Are Not Just A City 
By Steven Reeve

This poem is about the city of Jerusalem. The author is saying that this city is much more than a city. That it is the very heart of God, that it is the brightest jewel in his crown. The poem does not rhyme but you can feel the love that the author has for Jerusalem. Jerusalem is the very heart and a bright shining star. This is what the author is trying to say through this poem. 
The city of Jerusalem